A downloadable Chess Variant

Ice Chess is a variant for Chess where your pieces slide after every move!


1. After completing any standard chess turn,  the piece that was moved will begin to slide.  

During a slide, the piece will continue to move in the direction of the original move

 The piece will slide until  the next square contains another piece or is a board edge

2. You may not make any move that would place your king in check after the slide finishes

3. Knights do not slide

4.  Kings may slide through check as long as both the initial chess move and final destination of the slide are safe. 

Example Turn (Pawn to e4, slides to e6)

Frequently Asked Questions

 Can pieces capture with a slide?

No.  All captures must be done during the pre-slide chess move.    When a sliding piece encounters any other piece, it simply stops moving

How does Castling work?

After performing  a queen's side castle,  the king will slide to the left and the rook will slide to the right

After performing a king's side castle, the king will slide to the right and the rook will slide to the left

Can I make a move if there is no room for the piece to slide?


Do pawns which slide to the back rank promote?



This variant was made during a conversation in  the Joseph Anderson Discord Server.  The original idea was posted as a joke, we then took it seriously and made it into a variant :).  This design is best attributed to the users Bulder, Will M., TheQwertiest, and myself.  

Further (untested) Variants

-Remove the center squares (d4, d5, e4, e5) from the game.  The borders of these squares are now considered board edges,  ending slides.   

-Combine Crazyhouse + Ice Chess  (the ability to drop in pieces is great for controlling slides) 




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Variants I came up with on the spot:
knights slide like knightriders
duck ice chess
Will have to play, but who will I play with?